What a nice dream, eh? ‘The perfect job.’ Would seem too good to be true, but I thought I’d found it for sure when I was a college sophomore. I …
Interesting conundrum, no? Both have achieved preeminence in their chosen field; each has developed a habit of excellence in performance. How to determine who might make the better CEO, all …
What role does conflict play in an organization? On a top management team? Conflict makes the news and it’s usually viewed as a bad thing. Stories pop up regularly in …
Remember the first time you heard this concept? High school for me I think it was; probably cruising for burgers with some pals, none of us too happy with the …
How many times are we surprised by someone’s behavior, e.g. a boss or a colleague? How many times do we have occasion to wonder ‘why in the world is he …
Ever hear the saying ‘patience is a virtue’? I hear it most frequently from parents of 4 year olds when they’re trying to unhook their children from wanting it all, …
There is a saying about the difference between management and leadership that I just love. I use it on my home page, and it plays all through my work with …
Dear Chief HR Officer, As you well know, CEO transitions are a time of great risk for an organization, as the questions raised about who, when and how to effect …
CEOs are an extraordinarily self-sufficient lot. Smart, strongly opinioned and driven, possessed even, they’ve built success upon success and earned the corner office. Others turn to them for answers and …
Ever had a topic you needed to tackle that felt huge, even, at times, overwhelming? Maybe it was finance at one point in your career. Maybe it was service operations, …